Call 443-888-2062Â for Experienced Legal Services from a Baltimore Traffic Ticket Attorney
Being involved in a car accident is an emotionally overwhelming experience. Once the severity of the damage and any injuries are assessed, the next step is to assign liability for the accident. In most cases, people point the fingers at one another. Not only can someone be blamed entirely for the crash, but the police can also cite them for failure to control speed to avoid a collision.
If you have been charged with this citation in Baltimore, Scheuerman Law, LLC can fight for you. With 50 years of collective experience, our legal team can help you navigate through the complexities of the legal process and provide you with enough evidence to also prove you weren’t liable for the accident.
Maryland Law & Penalties For Failure To Control Speed To Avoid A Crash
According to Maryland law, every driver must adjust speed to avoid colliding with the other driver(s). This often entails driving at the posted speed limit. However, if the posted speed limit is too fast for traffic conditions, making it difficult to stop in time, drivers must slow down.
If law enforcement cites you for failure to control speed to avoid an accident, this doesn’t necessarily mean you were speeding. In fact, it is another way to claim you were allegedly at fault for the collision by not decelerating prior to impact—despite traveling the posted speed limit.
If you are found guilty, the traffic violation results in a maximum $130 fine and three points on your driver’s license. While this may seem like not a big deal, this citation could be used as evidence against you in civil court. Being held liable means having to compensate the other party for their medical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering—ultimately costing you tens of thousands of dollars when the case is resolved.
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Today
At Scheuerman Law, LLC, we are here to help you avoid the traffic ticket and the costly consequences of being held liable for a crash. Our firm understands police officers also make mistakes by failing to gather enough evidence to provide a clearer picture. Our Baltimore traffic ticket lawyers can assess your case, collect evidence, and build a strong defense plan on your behalf.
Call 443-888-2062 for more information today.