Before pursuing a career in law, Steve excelled as an elite soccer player. Over the course of his decorated career, he played for Loyola Blakefield, Towson University, York College – and most notably, won three national championships with the Baltimore Bays. His many years on the pitch taught him the importance of preparation, confidence, and the ability to perform in high-pressure situations – dedication and practice routinely translating to victory.
As his soccer career came to an end, Steve continued his winning ways at the University of Baltimore School of Law, where he graduated cum laude, in the top 20% of his class. Most importantly, it was here that he found his passion for criminal defense. In his final year of law school, he participated in the Innocence Project Clinic, where he represented individuals in Writs of Actual Innocence and Post-Conviction hearings. Here, Steve had a first-hand view of individuals incarcerated for decades based on crimes they did not commit. This experience was highly impactful on Steve, forever inspiring him to contribute positively to our justice system, by fiercely litigating on behalf of the accused.
Prior to entering private practice, Steve was a judicial law clerk, and gained an insider perspective of the bench. Steve was then assigned by the State of Maryland to defend thousands of criminal defendants who otherwise did not have the means to secure private counsel. Battling in the trenches every day, Steve gained a wealth of incredible hands-on experience throughout this time, building muscle memory in the courtroom that serves him invaluably now on a daily basis. Moreover, Steve endeared himself to the bar and the bench, to the extent that one of the most respected senior judges in his home jurisdiction took it upon himself to personally call our firm to recommend Steve to our firm, describing Steve as an excellent lawyer and excellent human being.
Steve now brings this devotion to Scheuerman Law, tirelessly advocating for our clients with passion and poise every day. He is highly valued by the firm and clients alike, for his limitless energy, deep knowledge, and enthusiasm for all aspects of criminal practice.