Ocean City DUI Defense Lawyers

Personalized Legal Solutions Tailored to Your DUI Case

A DUI (driving under the influence) charge occurs when a person operates a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or with an unlawful blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. When law enforcement officers suspect a driver of violating DUI laws, they will stop the driver and subject them to physical and/or chemical tests to determine their level of impairment. If the officer has probable cause to believe that a DUI occurred, they will arrest the individual.

DUI cases are multifaceted, involving legal and chemical complexities. Legal representation is crucial in navigating these complexities effectively. Attorneys must meticulously review various evidence and procedures to determine a practical course of action. Without a deep understanding of the laws and defense strategies, individuals without a legal background may find fighting a DUI charge overwhelming and daunting.

Scheuerman Law, LLC provides aggressive legal representation for DUI cases in Ocean City and surrounding areas. Our defense attorneys understand the gravity of these charges and protect our clients’ rights. We leave no stone unturned in preparing for each case, combing through details, conducting thorough research, and consulting with experts when necessary. Our clients are our top priority, and we pursue favorable outcomes.

Please schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable Ocean City DUI lawyers. Call (443) 888-2062 today.


Maryland’s DUI Laws

Driving under the influence offenses are covered under Maryland Transportation Code Ann. § 21-902. It prohibits individuals from driving or attempting to drive while under the influence of alcohol or the influence of alcohol per se. The term “driving” encompasses operating, moving, or physically controlling a vehicle. “Alcohol per se” refers to having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher.

Additionally, the law prohibits driving or attempting to drive a vehicle while impaired by alcohol, any drug, or a combination of drugs and/or alcohol.

Consequences and Defenses for DUIs

The Penalties for DUI Offenses

The penalties for DUI offenses in Maryland are severe, escalating with each subsequent violation.

Possible sanctions imposed upon a conviction include the following:

  • First violation:
    • Up to one year of incarceration
    • Up to $1,000 in fines
    • Up to six months of driver’s license revocation
    • 12 points assessed to the driver’s license
  • Second violation (within five years of the previous offense):
    • Up to two years of incarceration
    • Up to $2,000 in fines
    • Up to one year of driver’s license revocation
    • 12 points assessed to the driver’s license

These penalties underscore the seriousness with which Maryland authorities approach DUI offenses.

Strategies to Combat DUI Charges

If facing DUI charges, know that viable strategies are available to challenge the accusations.

Below are common defenses raised in these cases:

  • Challenging probable cause for a stop. One of the primary defenses involves questioning the legality of the traffic stop leading to the DUI arrest. If law enforcement officers lacked reasonable suspicion or probable cause to initiate the stop, any evidence obtained thereafter may be deemed inadmissible in court.
  • Questioning the accuracy of field sobriety tests. Field sobriety tests and breathalyzer results are frequently used by law enforcement to establish probable cause for a DUI arrest. However, these tests can be subjective and prone to errors. Challenging the validity and reliability of these tests could cast doubt on the accuracy of the evidence against the defendant.
  • Reviewing police procedures. Law enforcement officers must adhere to specific procedures and protocols when conducting DUI investigations and making arrests. Any deviations from established protocols or violations of the defendant’s rights could undermine the prosecution’s case. Reviewing police reports and procedures could point to errors that may be used in the defense strategy.

A skilled DUI lawyer can review the specifics of your case, analyze the available evidence, and develop an effective defense strategy tailored to your unique circumstances.

Choose a Trusted Team for Your Defense

Choose a Trusted Team for Your Defense

Scheuerman Law, LLC offers a client-centered approach and a commitment to providing quality legal representation. We take the time to thoroughly assess each client’s situation and listen to their side of the story. By understanding our clients’ goals, concerns, and priorities, we can develop comprehensive legal strategies aligned with their objectives and best interests.

If charged with a DUI in Ocean City, discuss your case with one of our attorneys. Contact us at 443-888-2062.