Seek Experienced Legal Representation from Our Baltimore Trespassing Lawyers
According to Maryland law, criminal trespass means entering property without permission from the owner. Additionally, a person can be charged with trespassing if they remain on the property after the owner or the owner’s agent tells them to vacate to premises.
If you have been charged with criminal trespass in Maryland, our Baltimore trespassing attorneys at The Law Office of Mark G. Scheuerman understands what it takes to obtain the most favorable outcome for our clients. We can guide you through the intricacies of the legal system while protecting your rights and future.
Types of Criminal Trespass
There are two main types of trespassing crimes in Maryland: trespass on posted property and trespass on private property.
Trespassing on posted property means entering the property that is posted conspicuously against trespassing, often in the form of signs on the fences, posts at each entrance, or even markings on trees. By contrast, trespassing on private property means entering, crossing over, or remaining on another person’s property without the owner’s knowledge.
Trespassing is considered a misdemeanor, punishable by a jail term of up to 90 days and a maximum $500 fine. Additionally, a person accused of trespassing could also face burglary charges.
Call 443-888-2062 To Let Us Review Your Case Today
We can evaluate the circumstances of your case, determine any available legal defenses, and build an effective and personalized defense strategy to either get your entire case thrown out or your charges reduced. We are ready to fight for you from start to finish.
Contact us to request a free case review today.