Proven Defense from a Criminal Defense Lawyers in Baltimore
There are three types of second degree assault in Maryland: (1) Intent to Frighten – intentionally frightening another person with the threat of immediate offensive physical contact or physical harm, (2) Attempted Battery – Attempting to cause offensive physical contact or physical harm, and (3) Battery – Causing offensive physical contact to another person. A conviction for assault carries a maximum penalty of up to 10 years imprisonment, a fine up to $2,500 and a misdemeanor on your permanent record.
Second degree assault is the most commonly-charged violent crime in Maryland, with thousands of cases filed every year. Without proper legal representation, you will face an uphill battle in fighting your charges. The mere accusation that you have committed assault is enough to taint your reputation, but a conviction can change the course of your life as you know it and put a misdemeanor on your permanent record. This charge can make securing future employment or residences more difficult.
Contact Our Baltimore Criminal Defense Attorneys Today
An assault conviction stays with you forever, and like all violent crimes, is very serious. You deserve an aggressive assault defense attorney by your side to help you devise a solid defense. Don’t leave your future to chance or rely on a public defender to give you the representation you need.
Accused of second degree assault in Maryland? Don’t delay! Contact our criminal defense firm in Baltimore at (443) 888-2062  or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.