Case Results

Recent Case Results

If you or a loved one is currently facing a legal issue, it’s vital that you speak with our seasoned legal team immediately. Attorney Scheuerman and our staff have handled hundreds of cases and have a strong track record of favorable outcomes. To learn more, please feel free to read through some of the recent case results that we have received for our clients.

Petitioner’s case and peace order dismissed.

Medical Career Save

Imagine all you’ve worked so hard for almost being ripped out of your hands? That’s the harsh reality for many of our clients. Yesterday, we represented a medical student in a final peace order hearing where a surgical residency teacher claimed harassment and false imprisonment at work by the medical student, and the school took immediate action against the student.  We did a legal consultation less than 24 hours before his hearing, but we got the facts, crafted a strategy, and put the time in to prepare our defense.  The teacher came prepared with multiple supporters, but we had a motion for judgment granted in our favor after the petitioner’s case and the peace order were dismissed.  We couldn’t be happier for our client.  Back to work!

Case Dismissed

Drug DUI

Subsequent offender DUI for drugs after passenger called 911 to report possible OD, and car pulled over to shoulder for medical assistance. Police and paramedics respond. Client admitted to taking drugs before driving to the shoulder orally and in writing after Miranda warnings.


Robbery and Assault Charge

Client originally charged with robbery and assault. The robbery charge was dismissed at the preliminary hearing. Client was falsely alleged to have, among other things, pushed his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach, which allegedly caused preterm labor and a hospital stay. After interviewing experts and negotiating with the State, who was initially asking for jail time, we accepted a STET.

Case Dismissed

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Client charged with leaving the scene of a car accident, where a parking lot accident captured on video at the gas station, and piece of client’s car found in the parking lot and claim of consistent property damage.

Not Guilty

DUI and Possession of Drugs with a Commercial Driver’s License

Another hard fought W this afternoon for Scheuerman Law. This time, multiple police responded to a concerned citizen call for a disabled vehicle and possibly intoxicated driver. When police arrived, our client was changing a flat tire (his car had 2 flat tires) and he was trying to make it to a tire shop to repair the tires and make it to court which he was already very late for. The officers asked our client to perform standardized field sobriety tests because they didn’t think he was safe to drive. The officer identified 6/6 clues on the HGN, 7/8 on the walk and turn test, and 3/4 on the one leg stand test. The client was arrested, failed a drug recognition expert exam at the station, and police found heroin in the car search incident to arrest. He was charged with DUI and possession of drugs.

We successfully argued a motion to suppress all the evidence obtained after the arrest because the police didn’t have probable cause to arrest. We were able to keep the results of the HGN test out of evidence, and on cross examination, the officer admitted she didn’t properly instruct our client on the walk and turn test, and the one leg stand was really a 1/4, not a 3/4. Not guilty to all charges!

Case Dismissed

Assault Charges

Felony first-degree assault, second-degree assault, and possession of a deadly weapon with intent to injure charges all dismissed at the preliminary hearing this morning. We are very happy for our client and his family now that they can put this matter behind them!



Mr. Kunka was representing a client accused of pulling a knife on his girlfriend during a heated argument. The State wanted serious jail time. Mr. Kunka was not only able to have his client’s illegal confession thrown out, but he also during cross of the alleged victim poked enough holes in the state’s case that the client was found not guilty.

Defeated Allegations

Protective Order

Big road win today for Scheuerman Law. A final protective order was issued against our client who had never been served with the temporary protective order, and he lost his house and custody of his daughter, and could have been ordered to pay significant emergency family maintenance. We successfully had the final protective order vacated after filing and arguing a contested motions hearing last week. Today, we defeated the allegations on the merits after a full day, heated trial. We couldn’t be happier for our client. Justice was served.

Not Guilty

Gun Charges

Our client was charged with Handgun on Person, Loaded Handgun on Person, Reckless Endangerment from Car x2, Handgun in Vehicle, Loaded Handgun in Vehicle, Reckless Endangerment and Discharging a Firearm in a Metropolitan District. Attorney Ken Grote fought for and received a Not Guilty verdict on ALL COUNTS for our client in Towson.

1 Year Probation and All Other Charges Dismissed


Client was stopped for driving 106 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, then allegedly turned off his headlights to avoid identification, performed poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, was subsequently arrested, and refused a breath test at the station. Client received probation before judgment to the DUI, 1 year of probation, no points, and all other charges were dismissed.

1 Year Probation and All Other Charges Dismissed


Client was stopped for driving 101 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, performed poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, was subsequently arrested, and blew a .09 bac at the station. Client received probation before judgment to the DUI, 1 year of probation, no points, and all other charges were dismissed.

3 Years Probation and DUI Charges Dismissed

DUI, Child Neglect, and Driving Without a License

Client T-Boned an occupied police car, injuring the officer, with three young children in the car, who were allegedly unrestrained and without car seats, and police found approximately 20 capsules of drugs in the car, as well as a straw, and client poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, and was transported to the hospital for medical treatment and blood draw. All DUI related citations were dismissed, and the client received 3 years of probation for child neglect and driving without a license.

DUI Case Dismissed and Expunged


Client was stopped for driving 74 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, admitted to drinking 5 beers, started performing the standardized field sobriety tests, but allegedly stopped and told the officer he couldn’t complete the tests because he couldn’t even do these tests sober. We helped get the entire DUI case dismissed and assisted the client with the expungement process.

Case Dismissed


In Charles County District Court, Mr. Kunka represented a Military police officer on a DUI. After going to court 3 times because the state did not have the appropriate witnesses for a hospital blood draw the case was finally dismissed. MVA hearing was won as well. This allowed the Military police officer to keep his job.

No Jail

2nd Offense DUI

In 2019, a 2nd offense DUI client received a 60-day jail sentence. Mr. Kunka did not believe that the punishment fit the crime. Mr. Kunka immediately filed an appeal. While awaiting appeal Mr. Kunka had the client do more treatment. Once in Circuit court, the Judge agreed and gave the client no jail.


Vehicular Manslaughter

Mr. Kunka was able to secure a not guilty verdict in a Jury Trial on a Vehicular Manslaughter case. The State was seeking major incarceration. Mr. Kunka worked tirelessly on this case and even set up a focus group where he went over the case with a group of people who knew nothing about it. A few of the ideas that came out of the focus group helped Mr. Kunka secure a not guilty verdict in the case. The client was able to get back to work and focus on his life



Mr. Kunka recently had a client found not guilty of a Driving Under the Influence after a bench trial in Howard County Circuit Court. In this case, the officer testified that the client was acting belligerent and had an attitude. Mr. Kunka’s client was adamant that he was not impaired and that it was, in fact, the officer who was acting belligerent. During the cross-examination of the arresting officer, Mr. Kunka was able to frustrate the arresting officer to the point that the officer lashed out in court. It was pretty clear after the trial that the version of events testified to by Mr. Kunka’s client were the true version of events. The Judge found Mr. Kunka’s client Not Guilty.


Assault of Police Officer

In Baltimore County Circuit Court Mr. Kunka’s client was accused of purposely driving over a police officer’s foot. Again, the client was adamant that the officer and he didn’t exactly see eye to eye but that he never drove over the foot of the officer. Client was charged with assault. Mr. Kunka was able to obtain the officer’s Body Worn Camera. It was clear once he viewed the video that his client was not guilty of the offense and that the officer made up his version of events. The State refused to drop the case because the officer swore that his version of events was correct. Mr. Kunka tried the case by bench trial in circuit court. Mr. Kunka stipulated to the officer’s report and asked the judge to watch the best evidence…the video. After reviewing the video, the Judge agreed with Mr. Kunka that the officer’s testimony was not the truth. The client was found Not Guilty. This client is an armed security guard, any conviction for assault on a police officer would have cost him his job immediately. Another happy and grateful client.

Reduced Sentence to 45 days Jail

DUI Manslaughter

In 2018 Mr. Kunka handled a DUI manslaughter case on the eastern shore. Initially, the facts of the case were pretty open and shut. The State’s accident reconstructionist said that Mr. Kunka’s bench trial client was not only DUI but also based on the evidence, he crossed the yellow line causing the accident. Mr. Kunka hired the best accident reconstructionist in the state. This expert, after his investigation, came to a different conclusion than the state’s expert. Prior to this report, the State wanted 3 years in jail. After receiving this new evidence Mr. Kunka negotiated the case from a possible 10-year felony for a misdemeanor. The client got 45 days, didn’t lose his job, and is not a convicted felon.

Case Dismissed


In Catonsville District Court, Mr. Kunka was able to get a DUI dismissed for lack of speedy trial. The offense occurred a year and a month before Mr. Kunka’s client’s first court date. Even given these facts it is no small feat to get a case dismissed in district court. The client was elated.



In Howard County, Mr. Kunka had a district court trial where the State called a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert) to prove his client’s guilt. It was a bad accident and the client blew a .00. The officer was sure the driver was under the influence of something. After blowing .00 the officer had the client sit down with the DRE. The DRE is named an expert on a very limited basis. The State’s attorney attempted to use the DRE as the only evidence of any impairment. The problem was that the officer never put together a DRE report. Mr. Kunka successfully argued that the DRE could not be called as a general expert witness but only in her limited capacity to interpret the DRE report. The Judge agreed and found Mr. Kunka’s client not guilty.

Petitioner’s case and peace order dismissed.

Medical Career Save

Imagine all you’ve worked so hard for almost being ripped out of your hands? That’s the harsh reality for many of our clients. Yesterday, we represented a medical student in a final peace order hearing where a surgical residency teacher claimed harassment and false imprisonment at work by the medical student, and the school took immediate action against the student.  We did a legal consultation less than 24 hours before his hearing, but we got the facts, crafted a strategy, and put the time in to prepare our defense.  The teacher came prepared with multiple supporters, but we had a motion for judgment granted in our favor after the petitioner’s case and the peace order were dismissed.  We couldn’t be happier for our client.  Back to work!

Case Dismissed

Drug DUI

Subsequent offender DUI for drugs after passenger called 911 to report possible OD, and car pulled over to shoulder for medical assistance. Police and paramedics respond. Client admitted to taking drugs before driving to the shoulder orally and in writing after Miranda warnings.


Robbery and Assault Charge

Client originally charged with robbery and assault. The robbery charge was dismissed at the preliminary hearing. Client was falsely alleged to have, among other things, pushed his pregnant girlfriend in the stomach, which allegedly caused preterm labor and a hospital stay. After interviewing experts and negotiating with the State, who was initially asking for jail time, we accepted a STET.

Case Dismissed

Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Client charged with leaving the scene of a car accident, where a parking lot accident captured on video at the gas station, and piece of client’s car found in the parking lot and claim of consistent property damage.

Not Guilty

DUI and Possession of Drugs with a Commercial Driver’s License

Another hard fought W this afternoon for Scheuerman Law. This time, multiple police responded to a concerned citizen call for a disabled vehicle and possibly intoxicated driver. When police arrived, our client was changing a flat tire (his car had 2 flat tires) and he was trying to make it to a tire shop to repair the tires and make it to court which he was already very late for. The officers asked our client to perform standardized field sobriety tests because they didn’t think he was safe to drive. The officer identified 6/6 clues on the HGN, 7/8 on the walk and turn test, and 3/4 on the one leg stand test. The client was arrested, failed a drug recognition expert exam at the station, and police found heroin in the car search incident to arrest. He was charged with DUI and possession of drugs.

We successfully argued a motion to suppress all the evidence obtained after the arrest because the police didn’t have probable cause to arrest. We were able to keep the results of the HGN test out of evidence, and on cross examination, the officer admitted she didn’t properly instruct our client on the walk and turn test, and the one leg stand was really a 1/4, not a 3/4. Not guilty to all charges!

Case Dismissed

Assault Charges

Felony first-degree assault, second-degree assault, and possession of a deadly weapon with intent to injure charges all dismissed at the preliminary hearing this morning. We are very happy for our client and his family now that they can put this matter behind them!

Defeated Allegations

Protective Order

Big road win today for Scheuerman Law. A final protective order was issued against our client who had never been served with the temporary protective order, and he lost his house and custody of his daughter, and could have been ordered to pay significant emergency family maintenance. We successfully had the final protective order vacated after filing and arguing a contested motions hearing last week. Today, we defeated the allegations on the merits after a full day, heated trial. We couldn’t be happier for our client. Justice was served.

Not Guilty

Gun Charges

Our client was charged with Handgun on Person, Loaded Handgun on Person, Reckless Endangerment from Car x2, Handgun in Vehicle, Loaded Handgun in Vehicle, Reckless Endangerment and Discharging a Firearm in a Metropolitan District. Attorney Ken Grote fought for and received a Not Guilty verdict on ALL COUNTS for our client in Towson.

1 Year Probation and All Other Charges Dismissed


Client was stopped for driving 106 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, then allegedly turned off his headlights to avoid identification, performed poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, was subsequently arrested, and refused a breath test at the station. Client received probation before judgment to the DUI, 1 year of probation, no points, and all other charges were dismissed.

1 Year Probation and All Other Charges Dismissed


Client was stopped for driving 101 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, performed poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, was subsequently arrested, and blew a .09 bac at the station. Client received probation before judgment to the DUI, 1 year of probation, no points, and all other charges were dismissed.

3 Years Probation and DUI Charges Dismissed

DUI, Child Neglect, and Driving Without a License

Client T-Boned an occupied police car, injuring the officer, with three young children in the car, who were allegedly unrestrained and without car seats, and police found approximately 20 capsules of drugs in the car, as well as a straw, and client poorly on standardized field sobriety tests, and was transported to the hospital for medical treatment and blood draw. All DUI related citations were dismissed, and the client received 3 years of probation for child neglect and driving without a license.

DUI Case Dismissed and Expunged


Client was stopped for driving 74 mph in a posted 55 mph zone, admitted to drinking 5 beers, started performing the standardized field sobriety tests, but allegedly stopped and told the officer he couldn’t complete the tests because he couldn’t even do these tests sober. We helped get the entire DUI case dismissed and assisted the client with the expungement process.


Vehicular Manslaughter

Mr. Kunka was able to secure a not guilty verdict in a Jury Trial on a Vehicular Manslaughter case. The State was seeking major incarceration. Mr. Kunka worked tirelessly on this case and even set up a focus group where he went over the case with a group of people who knew nothing about it. A few of the ideas that came out of the focus group helped Mr. Kunka secure a not guilty verdict in the case. The client was able to get back to work and focus on his life



Mr. Kunka recently had a client found not guilty of a Driving Under the Influence after a bench trial in Howard County Circuit Court. In this case, the officer testified that the client was acting belligerent and had an attitude. Mr. Kunka’s client was adamant that he was not impaired and that it was, in fact, the officer who was acting belligerent. During the cross-examination of the arresting officer, Mr. Kunka was able to frustrate the arresting officer to the point that the officer lashed out in court. It was pretty clear after the trial that the version of events testified to by Mr. Kunka’s client were the true version of events. The Judge found Mr. Kunka’s client Not Guilty.


Assault of Police Officer

In Baltimore County Circuit Court Mr. Kunka’s client was accused of purposely driving over a police officer’s foot. Again, the client was adamant that the officer and he didn’t exactly see eye to eye but that he never drove over the foot of the officer. Client was charged with assault. Mr. Kunka was able to obtain the officer’s Body Worn Camera. It was clear once he viewed the video that his client was not guilty of the offense and that the officer made up his version of events. The State refused to drop the case because the officer swore that his version of events was correct. Mr. Kunka tried the case by bench trial in circuit court. Mr. Kunka stipulated to the officer’s report and asked the judge to watch the best evidence…the video. After reviewing the video, the Judge agreed with Mr. Kunka that the officer’s testimony was not the truth. The client was found Not Guilty. This client is an armed security guard, any conviction for assault on a police officer would have cost him his job immediately. Another happy and grateful client.

Reduced Sentence to 45 days Jail

DUI Manslaughter

In 2018 Mr. Kunka handled a DUI manslaughter case on the eastern shore. Initially, the facts of the case were pretty open and shut. The State’s accident reconstructionist said that Mr. Kunka’s bench trial client was not only DUI but also based on the evidence, he crossed the yellow line causing the accident. Mr. Kunka hired the best accident reconstructionist in the state. This expert, after his investigation, came to a different conclusion than the state’s expert. Prior to this report, the State wanted 3 years in jail. After receiving this new evidence Mr. Kunka negotiated the case from a possible 10-year felony for a misdemeanor. The client got 45 days, didn’t lose his job, and is not a convicted felon.

Case Dismissed


In Catonsville District Court, Mr. Kunka was able to get a DUI dismissed for lack of speedy trial. The offense occurred a year and a month before Mr. Kunka’s client’s first court date. Even given these facts it is no small feat to get a case dismissed in district court. The client was elated.



In Howard County, Mr. Kunka had a district court trial where the State called a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert) to prove his client’s guilt. It was a bad accident and the client blew a .00. The officer was sure the driver was under the influence of something. After blowing .00 the officer had the client sit down with the DRE. The DRE is named an expert on a very limited basis. The State’s attorney attempted to use the DRE as the only evidence of any impairment. The problem was that the officer never put together a DRE report. Mr. Kunka successfully argued that the DRE could not be called as a general expert witness but only in her limited capacity to interpret the DRE report. The Judge agreed and found Mr. Kunka’s client not guilty.

No Jail

2nd Offense DUI

In 2019, a 2nd offense DUI client received a 60-day jail sentence. Mr. Kunka did not believe that the punishment fit the crime. Mr. Kunka immediately filed an appeal. While awaiting appeal Mr. Kunka had the client do more treatment. Once in Circuit court, the Judge agreed and gave the client no jail.

Case Dismissed


In Charles County District Court, Mr. Kunka represented a Military police officer on a DUI. After going to court 3 times because the state did not have the appropriate witnesses for a hospital blood draw the case was finally dismissed. MVA hearing was won as well. This allowed the Military police officer to keep his job.



Mr. Kunka was representing a client accused of pulling a knife on his girlfriend during a heated argument. The State wanted serious jail time. Mr. Kunka was not only able to have his client’s illegal confession thrown out, but he also during cross of the alleged victim poked enough holes in the state’s case that the client was found not guilty.