Information From A Trusted Baltimore DUI Attorneys
In Maryland, some drivers who have been charged with drunk driving have the opportunity to opt into the state’s ignition interlock program to avoid a license suspension. When facing a criminal charge, it is always critical to examine all of your legal options with proven counsel. At Scheuerman Law, LLC, our clients can rest assured that they will be well aware of their options and that every avenue towards a favorable outcome will be diligently explored on their behalf.
Don’t face your charge without a knowledgeable and proven Baltimore DUI lawyers on your side. Call our firm at 443-888-2062Â today.
What Are “Ignition Interlock Devices?”
An ignition interlock device is a device that is installed in a vehicle that prevents the driver from starting the car if it detects alcohol on their breath. Basically, it is a breathalyzer test that the driver needs to take every time they start their car (and, occasionally, mid-trip, as well). In some cases, such as repeat offenses or cases where the driver was caught with a particularly high blood alcohol content, these devices are a mandatory part of a DUI sentence. However, in other cases, drivers can opt in to have them installed in their car to avoid a license suspension.
An ignition interlock device also records the following information:
- The distance traveled by the driver
- The number of times your car stops and starts
- Any instances where the driver had a high blood alcohol concentration
- Any instances where the driver tried to start the car without taking the test
- Any times the driver missed a mid-trip test (a “rolling test”)
- Any attempts to tamper with the device
Any record of a high blood alcohol concentration, missed tests, or efforts to tamper with the device can result in additional legal penalties. Speak to legal counsel to learn more.
Making The Right Call For Your Case
Some drivers believe that an ignition interlock device is an unacceptable imposition on their lives and want to avoid one at any cost. Others cannot risk the license suspension and would rather submit to the ignition interlock program. Whatever the case may be, a dedicated legal advocate by your side is critical. At our firm, clients receive the reliable, assertive counsel they need at both their administrative hearing and their court hearings to ensure the rights and interests are protected.
It is possible to pursue the best possible outcome in your case. Use our online form to request a free case evaluation today and speak with our Baltimore DUI attorneys!